The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Naples,FL: Please Read attached note
I rec’d a message from someone yesterday but cannot help you because you didn’t give me your name. When sending a message through the market it does not let me know who you are so please sign all messages.
Market is open and ready for orders
Old99Farm Market: Old 99 Farm, week of Apr 26 2015

Greenhouse greens are holding up well, should have lots for next couple weeks. Rapini, arugula, lettuces, mixed greens, rhubarb,kale, spinach, beet tops are on the list for this week.
We sold out of ground beef last week, but still have the ground veal, pastured steers still accessing mother’s milk last summer.
Have you heard about the concept of Planetary Boundaries? I think it is one of the more useful models for thinking about what is a sustainable culture.
The PB approach asks two overarching questions: What are the processes and subsystems that keep Earth in a Holocene-like state, and what levels of human pressure on each of these could reach a threshold, thereby disrupting the continuity of the Earth system?
Here’s what it looks like:

The boundary levels delineate a safe operating space in which humanity can operate while preserving the continuity and resilience of the Earth system. Figure 3 displays the 2015 PB update: the green inner circle represents this safe operating space; the yellow zone, the zone of uncertainty with heightened danger of crossing thresholds; and the red areas, the zone of high risk of triggering severe dangerous imbalances.
The PB framework emerges from the reality of the Anthropocene (the era so-named because humans are creating its dominant features), the risk of systemic tipping points, and the importance of the Holocene (the inter-glacial era stating about 10 000 years ago) for humanity’s flourishing. This fresh point of view underscores the need for a form of world development that can evolve within Earth’s safe operating space. Reconciling a respect for limits with principles of justice presents the profound challenge of imagining and creating a basis for sustainable development, i.e., good lives for all on a resilient and stable planet.
The model was refined in 2015. With these refined metrics, the analysis concludes that four out of nine boundaries have been transgressed (Figure 3). Two are in the high risk zone (biosphere integrity and interference with the nitrogen and phosphorous cycles), while the other two are in the danger zone (climate change and land use change).
- See more at:
Healthy eating
Ian and Camelia
Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op: The
The market is closed for ordering. Please remember to mark your calendars for pickup Friday the May 1st between 3:30 and 5:30 at 341A Whittington Avenue. Before 5 is better for our volunteer staff. See you then.
Julie Alexander
this week’s manager
501 655 9411
Champaign, OH: Last Call!!
That’s right!!! Last call, lights up, tunes off, and almost closing time…
Go, race, don’t pause…it’s order wrap up time!!
Peace, Love, and Good Vibes
Cosmic Pam
The Cumming Harvest - Closed: Newsletter - April 29, 2015

Vendor Highlight
Vendor of the week – Esmeralda’s Pot of Potions
Come by this Saturday and meet Ciera from Esmeralda’s Pot of Potions, offering earth friendly cleaning products. All cleaning products are made with non-toxic ingredients that are earth friendly and not only good for your home, but your family as well. The product line includes all-purpose cleaner, floor cleaner, linen spray, tub scrub, carpet fresh, and laundry powder.
ON SALE – Saturday they will introduce their newest fresh scent – Spearmint Lime – All purpose cleaner – On sale for $10.
Special for Mother’s Day – They will also be introducing their new cupcake bath bombs and soaps and will have sample Mothers Day baskets that can be pre-ordered. A unique gift for Mom.
Look for their products on the our website under “Home and garden supplies” and “Laundry soap”.
We have heard rave reviews so far from customers that have used Esmeralda’s products, give them a try and see for yourself!
Pick Up Options
COLONY PARK PICK-UP This is our main location and all orders will be prepared for you for pick up at this location, 10am-12pm, if you don’t choose another option below. You can order and pick up meat and seafood at this location.
VICKERY PICK-UP – Vickery Village Cherry Street Taproom pick up is between 1:00-1:30pm. If you would like to pick up at Vickery choose VICKERY PICK-UP item in the categories on the The Market page/tab. Customers choosing to pick up at Vickery should not order meat or seafood as we cannot transport meat and seafood due to Dept. of Ag regulations.
DELIVERY to Vickery/Polo Area – Please add this item to your order if you would like delivery to your home on Saturday between 1:30-3pm. Only prepaid orders will be accepted. Deliveries will be dropped off at your front door. If you are not going to be home, please leave a insulated bag or cooler for your order. The delivery person is not responsible for making sure your food is in the appropriate container once dropped off. Please plan for possible rain and make sure your order will be protected. The delivery person will travel with your orders in insulated bags with ice packs to protect it during travel. No Meat or Seafood will be able to be delivered.
Group Buy
Green Pastures – April orders have arrived and are ready for pick up at the market.
Butter – We have raw butter at the market. Not listed online, but you may email me or ask for it when you pick up.
Gelatin – Great Lakes Gelatin is available for order online this week.
Raw Cheese – We have raw cheese in this week. Check online to order.
Main Market Location and Pick Up
Building 106, Colony Park Dr. in the Basement of Suite 100, Cumming, GA 30040. Pick up every Saturday between 10-12pm.
Google Map
To view the harvest today and tomorrow till 8pm, visit “The Market” page on our website, The Cumming Harvest
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Champaign, OH: In The Midnight Hour
I’m gonna wait ‘till the midnight hour…
That’s when my love comes tumbling down…
(Wilson Pickett-In The Midnight Hour)
Hello, lovely customers of our little local market of love!!
It’s Tuesday night…and while we feel your love tumbling all over us, constantly, you don’t have until the midnight hour to get your orders in. You have until 10pm, tonight!!
Show us some good love so we can give you the local goods…and, remember, don’t wait until the midnight hour or you will miss out on ALL the fun and love!!!
Peace, Love, and Good Vibes
Cosmic Pam
Russellville Community Market: RCM Order Reminder

Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder that we’ll be closing for orders tonight at 10:00 p.m. Get your orders in soon!
If you haven’t seen it, Bright Moon Ranch has pork available on the market! Pork chops, BACON, ham slices, and more!!
Happy ordering!
We hope to see you on Thursday for the market pick-up!
Check out our Facebook page for great info on local foods issues and upcoming events.
Be sure to click on the “Like” button at the top of the Facebook page to get automatic updates. Thanks!
Russellville Community Market
DeForest, WI: Market Preparing to Open
DeForest Locally Grown is gearing up for another season of providing fresh local veggies to surrounding communities. We plan to open for the season next week, with Sunday’s announcement (May 10) of the availability and Friday’s opening, May 15, for the first pick up from 4-6pm, at Forest Run Farm. The Market is currently displaying most of the items that were offered during last season to give you an idea of what you can expect from this market. Deforest Locally Grown is a net work of small farms that combine their products together in one market with a common pick up site. Most of the vegetables provided at this market are grown by Forest Run Farm. Sweet corn in season is provided by Ripp-N-Good Sweetcorn. Coffee is provided by Rusty Dog. And Meat is produced by Bauman’s Natural Meat. DeForest Locally Grown is looking for more growers or producers to provide to this market; if you know anyone that would be interested in selling meat, cheese or bread, please let them know about this opportunity or have them contact
This years pick up location will again be hosted by Forest Run Farm, 3757 Mueller Rd., DeForest. Due to the complexity of this market, we ask customers to be punctual and arrive before 6 o’clock. Ordering via this on-line market does require customers to set up a free account. With an account, you will receive weekly emails that announce the offerings of the week. Ordering begins Sunday and closes each Tues evening so that growers can pick and pack the orders by Friday. Customers can order as often as they wish depending on their needs. Farmers often have additional quantities of produce available at pick up for additional purchases or for walk-up customers.
Payment is to be made at pick up by cash, check, prepaid credit or Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers (for Forest Run Farm produce only). Forest Run Farm offers a Farm Stand CSA which provides you with credit to use to purchase Forest Run Farm items from the on-line market. We are again offering a pick up site for CSA-members-only at the Hilldale Farmer’s Market. If you are signed up for the Farm Stand CSA, watch your mailbox, as we are sending out your punch cards this week. Remember that you must bring these to market as your payment!
If you wish to be removed from this mailing, please go to your account and change your profile to not receive mail or respond to this mail with REMOVE in the subject line.
CLG: Tuesday Reminder - TSD ALERT! Market Closes Tonight at 10pm.
Hello Friends,
There’s still time to place your order for pickup on Friday, May 1st. The market closes TONIGHT around 10pm.
Please remember that downtown will be blocked off for Toad Suck Daze during pick-up times on Friday.
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve –
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Cross Timbers Food Cooperative: CTFC Market Open for May 9 Pick-up
Hey, folks—
Ordering for the first May delivery is OPEN.
Orders can be placed through Sunday, May 3.
Pickup is from 1:30 – 2:30 PM on Saturday, May 9.
for Cross Timbers Food Cooperative