The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
CLG: Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight at 10pm.
Hello Friends,
There’s still time to place your order for pickup on Friday, May 15th. The market closes TONIGHT around 10pm.
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve –
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill: Have you ordered?
Market Closes at 8:00pm Monday!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’! Please continue to share the Market with friends and family!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Thank you for your support!

“Like” us on facebook!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op: Two shout outs
I have two good announcements for this market.
Fist is that Mary Kelly from Mountain Meadows Farm has spring chickens for sale this market. Yay!
Second is that I talked with Bill and Winston Wolfe at the Farmers’ Market last Saturday and they are putting more and even fresher pecans from fall’s harvest in our freezer for this market.
Thanks for supporting these and other local food producers. Aren’t we lucky? See you Friday.
Denise Marion
StPete.LocallyGrown.Net: Market NOW Open - May 11th, 2015
Vidalias, sugar snaps, portabellos, spaghetti squash, and so much more!
I never knew that spaghetti squash should be cooked WHOLE!
To Contact Us
St. Pete Locally Grown
on the web
on facebook
on google
via email
see volunteers on pinterest
see local urban growers on pinterest
Ready To Order?
sign in & shop now
FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS You are invited to watch our Market Tutorial before you begin. If you do not receive an email confirmation immediately after you order, then you did not click the SUBMIT ORDER button and we did not receive an order from you. Call your Market Manager for help.
SPLG BENEFIT: Food Forest Guidance
Part of our Market’s mission is to teach our customers how to grow their own food so they can become more self-sufficient in their “food foraging”. Some even get to the point where they don’t have to purchase anything from our Market! That is a GOOD thing for us. This keeps our business sustainable and manageable by not having to expand our home based business model into something that will feed the entire community. How do we support you in building your own “food forest”? Nathan offers classes twice a month, year-round, to show you how to make your own dirt using no unnatural additives. He teaches his students of all ages and skill levels how to grow YEAR ROUND and to fight pests naturally. To support your homemade dirt, our Market offers several types of chemical-free soil amendments. You can find them all listed at the bottom of the product list under the “Z’s”. We prefer NOT to mix them in with the food listing. If that’s not enough, then we have just launched a Direct Service program to bring larger potted plants to enhance your food forest design, including exotic fruit trees. This program is getting very popular! The icing on the cake is attending our monthly potluck socials to compare notes with other customers who grow their own food. Lots of sharing going on! So when will you start your journey into building a food forest on your property?
Volunteer Opportunities
We SO appreciate the recent responses we’ve had to our call for Volunteers. We are still in need and ask you to consider the opportunities below. There is something for everyone with a minimal investment of 90 minutes to 2 hours every other week. RIGHT NOW, the Market continues to need the most help, particularly some technical expertise with an understanding of spreadsheets. After sufficient training, this piece could be done (possibly) from your home.
St. Pete Locally Grown Market in St. Pete is the hub for selling fine products of many of the Growers below needing volunteers—and all those listed on Our Growers page.
Nathan’s Natural Veggies in St. Pete
Pioneer Settlement Garden in St. Pete
The Dancing Goat in Oldsmar
Alexandra Lake Farm in Dade City

Message from Your Market Manager
I am SO refreshed from a recent 5-day journey to the red rocks of Sedona and the wonders of the Grand Canyon. Even Market Managers need renewals. I can now say that I’ve been to the edge!
Our Market has high standards for what it sells. Despite that—as seasons transition—the challenges of evolving weather and pesky insects can take its toll on the crops. Market Growers are being very selective about what they are willing to present to you. No, it won’t always be picture perfect (which is part of its charm) and sometimes an insect is going to evade capture! But we won’t send you anything that we wouldn’t eat ourselves. If for any reason we have goofed and you are dissatisfied, please report it to me right away so we can rectify the situation. That’s how we get better and we all benefit from that. Your satisfaction is key to our success as a resource for St. Petersburgs’ lovers of chemical-free, organically & locally grown vegetables.
SPLG’s fruit basket
Medjool dates, luscious local papayas, beautiful nectarines, and primo lemons from CA. Peaches will also be available for our Market very soon! Apples and pears are all imported right now so I did not order any this time.
More NEWS from the Farms
- Tara Kipp of Faithful Farms reports that they won’t have lettuce for a few more weeks due to startup and the heat. Their curly kale is also hurting but luckily our other Growers can fill your orders for kale. Faithful Farms will be with us ALL SUMMER! They are just one of several of our Growers who grow all year round. WE ARE SO GRATEFUL for that!
- Ray Wunderlich of Pioneer Settlement Garden has closed the garden for the summer and anticipates even more availability in the fall. We could not be more grateful for Ray’s astute commitment to furthering the cause of urban farming in St. Petersburg. His behind-the-scenes activities are too many to list. Suffice it to say that he is responsible for lots of gardens getting started in St. Petersburg AND he sends many of them to our Market to sell their overage to our grateful customers. This is key to our sustainability as a locally supported small business.
Once you have submitted your order, if in doubt about what you owe, you can always confirm what you have been charged for by checking your account history and viewing your most current invoice. Instructions on how to do that are on our Q&A page under the question entitled Since you don’t provide an invoice with delivery, how do I know what I owe? Also, since your vegetables are picked fresh within 24 hours of delivery, they should be lasting for WEEKS in your refrigerator. When you accept delivery, please take a few minutes to inspect your order to protect your vegetables from unnecessary spoilage. Lastly, it is imperative that you understand our policy on Unclaimed Orders found on our Q&A page. When you make a purchase you are agreeing to abide by this policy.
Upcoming Events
All these and more are posted on our Calendar of Events
- “REAL DIRT: Make Your Own” on May 16th, 8-10AM Cost $35/$25. RSVP NOW
- “Monthly Potluck Social”, May 23rd, Nathan’s Garden Tour Begins at 5:30PM for active Market customers, growers, and volunteers. BY e-vite ONLY. SPEAKER THIS MONTH: New Grower, Jenifer Slocum, owner of Coeurisma, local provider of coconut oil using all organic ingredients, will speak on the health benefits of coconut oil and the energy this saturated fat provides. She will also share with us some new ideas and perspectives about Alzheimer’s through her experience as a caregiver. Jenifer is very knowledgeable about Alzheimer’s since her Mother’s diagnosis 13 years ago by the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. She will be sharing with us her personal journey and serendipitous discovery about coconut oil for both her Mother Barbara and Mother-in-law Tillie and the results of integrating this food into their daily diet.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Old99Farm Market: Old 99 Farm, week of May 10 2015
What a heat spell over the weekend! But we got the potatoes and leeks planted, watered and mulched, and all the garden beds tilled ready to plant the many transplants we’ve been nurturing along since February.
Hope you are up for greens. PULEEZ, make it a trip this week, they are at their finest now.
Rhubarb is lush too, I’ve cut the price in half from $4/500g to $5/kg, half the cost at fortinos and it’s local, fresh picked and delicious.
First asparagus, sorrel and chives are now ready to harvest. I better get right out here and pick that asparagus cuz it’s necessary to pick daily or more often.
I suggest you surf over to to get some inspiration and understanding of a different approach to farming can make a huge difference in our climate disruption outlook.
“But slowing down emissions or waiting for fixes is simply not enough. There is another way. How Can Regenerative Organic Farming Reverse Climate Change?
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, we had about 280 parts per million (PPM) of carbon and other GHGs in the atmosphere. We are currently at 400 PPM. Today we have imbalance: a vast excess of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere causing the greenhouse effect, which changes our environment in the form of extreme weather, rising sea levels, and desertification. Even if we reduce our emissions to zero, this excess amount of carbon will continue to loom in the atmosphere over us, and the greenhouse effect and climate change will continue. It is not enough to reduce, mitigate, adapt—whichever term you choose. The excess carbon in the atmosphere must be sequestered through regenerative agriculture in order to bring GHG levels down to 350 PPM in the near-term, and hopefully even lower with time.
I’ll get right to the point. A global shift to regenerative organic agriculture can reverse climate change. In fact, regenerative organic agriculture is the only viable option available to us and is readily achievable."
Healthy eating
Ian and Cami
Heirloom Living Market Lilburn: Tidbits and Reminder to Order!
We have Strawberries!!

Last year, we didn’t have many Strawberries available! This year, we are truly blessed to have those plump, juicy, sweet fruits available from:
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Watsonia Farms
Last year, we didn’t have many Strawberries available! This year, we are truly blessed to have those plump, juicy, sweet fruits available from:
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Watsonia Farms
Organic Strawberries are available in quarts from Burnell Farms and quarts and/or gallons from Back River Farm (Farmers’ Sales Table this week and on Market starting next week) and Watsonia Farms!
What could be better than a taste of Spring in the Fall or Winter? You can easily preserve Strawberries by freezing them or dehydrating.
Freezing your Strawberries? Wash and rinse and set out on paper towels to dry. Once the berries are dry, put on cookie sheet and place it in the freezer. After berries are frozen, place them in a mason jar or plastic bag and return them to the freezer!
Dehydrating? Wash and rinse your Strawberries. Slice large berries in thirds (lengthwise) and small berries in half. You want a similar thickness so they will all be done at the same time. Place on dehydrator trays and follow directions for fruit dehydrating for your particular machine.
Strawberry Candy anyone? Wash and rinse your berries and place on paper towels. Place Coconut Sugar, Honey or your choice of sweetener in bowl. Dip Strawberry slice in sweetener and place on dehydrator trays. follow directions for fruit dehydrating for your particular machine.
My plan is to purchase some every week while they are available and become a ‘Dehydrating Fool’! I will also freeze some to ensure enjoyment of this wonderful fruit during the winter season…which is a perfect segue into..
Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Crossfit / Lawrenceville Market Pickup Hours
You may pick up the items you ordered starting at 2:30pm. Market will end at 5:30pm; however, you may pickup later if you have contacted me and you make payment prior to pickup. We now have other payments options available. Please call me on Monday and I will discuss the other options with you and answer any questions. You can reach me at 404-432-4337.
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Offerings you
definitely want to check out…
Remember I told you about the ‘whoops’ in the Amish Cereal orders last week? All of that is now straightened out; however, we ended up with 1 extra. Although it does contain wheat, it is Organic, so I decided to purchase the extra one. All I can say is WOW! What a treat! I tried it dry as a snack – Win! I tried it as a cereal – Win! I put it as a topping on a salad – Double WIN! Be sure and grab some Amish Cereal while it is on Special! I am hearing very good reviews on the Amish Noodles also, so you may want to include those in your order while they are on Special.
Greg Hutchins of Heritage Farm has outstanding grass-fed Meats! On Special this week: 1/2 Beef and 1/4 Beef Shares! Great opportunity to stock your freezer! Be sure and check it out. Soup Bones are also on Special! Great Bone Broth! If you have questions, please contact Farmer Greg directly at 770-377-5380.
Turkeys and Turkey products that were ordered last week will be delivered this Thursday! Turkey Necks and Ground Turkey are also available.
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread has two Specials for us this week! Hot Pepper Cheese Log and Spelt Tortillas! The Cheese Log has a ‘tad’ of a bite to it, but trust me, it is mild! It is rolled in fresh Georgia Pecans! Yummy! Make some Chips from your Spelt Tortillas and smear some Cheese Log on them! Good snack!
Ricky of Back River Farm is back this week with a Splash of Strawberries! These will be offered only on the Farmers’ Sales Table this week and will appear on the Market Menu next week! Boy are they YUMMY! Ricky’s Certified Naturally Grown, farm, Back River Farm has provided us with Veggies and Berries since Market inception! Ricky has expanded his operation this year and will be bringing us lots of green veggie goodness as well as some fruits! Welcome Back, ‘Farmer Brown’! We are glad to have you!
Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great veggies and now Tammy and Bill are offering: Strawberries and everyone who saw them last week was envious of those who ordered them! Veggies available include: Asparagus, Baby Spinach, Beets, Broccoli, 2 varieties of Cauliflower, Fennel, Kale, 4 varieties of Lettuces, ‘Crookneck’ Squash, Swiss Chard, Green Tomatoes and Black Skinned Zucchini!
Vicky of Fry Farm is offering this week! Asparagus, Leeks, ‘Cherry Belle’ Radishes, ‘French Breakfast’ Radishes, Hakurei Turnips and ‘Red Kitten’ Spinach! Our very own Sarah Rockey is helping out at Fry Farm this year!
Doug of Doug’s Garden is back with his Garden Boxes! This week it is ‘Spring Vegetables and Herbs! In the history of the Market, Doug’s Veggie Boxes have always been a great hit with Market Members! I expect the same this year. Always a great variety and LOTS of yummy veggies and herbs! Look for them weekly starting this week! Doug is also offering: Green Garlic, Leaf Lettuce Salad Mix, Spicy Salad Mix and Young and Tender Spinach!
Grow With the Flow is the brainchild of brothers Reggie and Roger Ramos. They are located in the city of Tucker and are Certified Naturally Grown! Reggie and Roger have been at the Lilburn Market since last summer and this Spring have expanded their operation to include the Crossfit Market. Please check out their Vegetable offerings.
The Veggie Patch is offering: Fruit Seedlings, Herb Seedlings, Veggie Seedlings, Fresh Herbs, Medicinal Herbs, Sauces, Pickles and lots of fresh Veggies. Be sure and check out all of their items!
Marie of Bakery on Brooks is still on hiatus this week and will return to us next week! I am running low on my Gluten Free Bread and goodies and look forward to her return!
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread provides us with delicious traditional wheat based Organic Baked Goods! From Challah, Sourdough, Ezekiel and other yummy Breads to Sweet Breads, Cookies, Jams and Jellies, Cheese Dips and Pasta Salads, Dabrielle is passionate about quality! Be sure and get your order in before close of Market! Be sure and check out her Specials!
Kathy Barnes is the Coordinator of the Lilburn Market as well as the owner of So-Koi. Kathy is an excellent seamstress and has Retro Aprons, Lanyards, Pillowcases, Checkbook Covers, Tissue Holders on the Market. She is passionate about living naturally and makes every effort to live ‘green’! Although always concerned about the use of plastic in our lives, further research lead Kathy to the decision that she wants to eliminate it as much as possible! To assist in this goal, she has created muslin Veggie Storage Bags and is now offering them at Market! Check them out on the Market and on the Farmers’ Sales Table this week at each Market! For more information about plastic and it’s horrible, destructive and toxic effects in our world and the ecosystem, click the link. This documentary is available on Netflix!
Kathy is also offering Turmeric and Cinnamon on the Market. Both are wonderful spice with medicinal components and qualities. (and the glass jars she offers these products in are just adorable!) Kathy is also offering Coconut Sugar This sweetener is an excellent alternative to some others. Its low glycemic index and full, rich flavor make it my favorite sugar, both for baking and adding a touch of sweetness to my coffee. It is listed under “Seasonings”.
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
The Veggie Patch
Cedar Rock Dairy (Cow)
Little Tots Estate (Goat)
Rocky Acres
Little Tots Estate (Organic, Soy Free, pastured chickens) on Farmers’ Sale Table only
Bakery on Brooks (Gluten Free/Organic)
My Daily Bread (Organic)
Grass Fed Meats
Carrell Farms
Heritage Farm
Cedar Seeder
Natural Products
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Low Low Knows Bones
Handmade Items
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Peacefield Farm
My Daily Bread
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (later by appt only!)
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Azure Standard
Azure Standard Order Deadline: Tuesday, May 19th 6:00pm
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville
…this and that…
I apologize for the lateness of this email. Due to roommate situation, I had to be out of the house this past weekend. I stayed at a small Campground (yes, the Black Lab went too) and had NO CELL coverage and spotty, WIFI!
Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!
Order now since you are just a click way!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill: Tidbits and Reminder to Order!
We have Strawberries!!

Last year, we didn’t have many Strawberries available! This year, we are truly blessed to have those plump, juicy, sweet fruits available from:
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Watsonia Farms
Last year, we didn’t have many Strawberries available! This year, we are truly blessed to have those plump, juicy, sweet fruits available from:
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Watsonia Farms
Organic Strawberries are available in quarts from Burnell Farms and quarts and/or gallons from Back River Farm (Farmers’ Sales Table this week and on Market starting next week) and Watsonia Farms!
What could be better than a taste of Spring in the Fall or Winter? You can easily preserve Strawberries by freezing them or dehydrating.
Freezing your Strawberries? Wash and rinse and set out on paper towels to dry. Once the berries are dry, put on cookie sheet and place it in the freezer. After berries are frozen, place them in a mason jar or plastic bag and return them to the freezer!
Dehydrating? Wash and rinse your Strawberries. Slice large berries in thirds (lengthwise) and small berries in half. You want a similar thickness so they will all be done at the same time. Place on dehydrator trays and follow directions for fruit dehydrating for your particular machine.
Strawberry Candy anyone? Wash and rinse your berries and place on paper towels. Place Coconut Sugar, Honey or your choice of sweetener in bowl. Dip Strawberry slice in sweetener and place on dehydrator trays. follow directions for fruit dehydrating for your particular machine.
My plan is to purchase some every week while they are available and become a ‘Dehydrating Fool’! I will also freeze some to ensure enjoyment of this wonderful fruit during the winter season…which is a perfect segue into..
Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Crossfit / Lawrenceville Market Pickup Hours
You may pick up the items you ordered starting at 2:30pm. Market will end at 5:30pm; however, you may pickup later if you have contacted me and you make payment prior to pickup. We now have other payments options available. Please call me on Monday and I will discuss the other options with you and answer any questions. You can reach me at 404-432-4337.
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Offerings you
definitely want to check out…
Remember I told you about the ‘whoops’ in the Amish Cereal orders last week? All of that is now straightened out; however, we ended up with 1 extra. Although it does contain wheat, it is Organic, so I decided to purchase the extra one. All I can say is WOW! What a treat! I tried it dry as a snack – Win! I tried it as a cereal – Win! I put it as a topping on a salad – Double WIN! Be sure and grab some Amish Cereal while it is on Special! I am hearing very good reviews on the Amish Noodles also, so you may want to include those in your order while they are on Special.
Greg Hutchins of Heritage Farm has outstanding grass-fed Meats! On Special this week: 1/2 Beef and 1/4 Beef Shares! Great opportunity to stock your freezer! Be sure and check it out. Soup Bones are also on Special! Great Bone Broth! If you have questions, please contact Farmer Greg directly at 770-377-5380.
Turkeys and Turkey products that were ordered last week will be delivered this Thursday! Turkey Necks and Ground Turkey are also available.
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread has two Specials for us this week! Hot Pepper Cheese Log and Spelt Tortillas! The Cheese Log has a ‘tad’ of a bite to it, but trust me, it is mild! It is rolled in fresh Georgia Pecans! Yummy! Make some Chips from your Spelt Tortillas and smear some Cheese Log on them! Good snack!
Ricky of Back River Farm is back this week with a Splash of Strawberries! These will be offered only on the Farmers’ Sales Table this week and will appear on the Market Menu next week! Boy are they YUMMY! Ricky’s Certified Naturally Grown, farm, Back River Farm has provided us with Veggies and Berries since Market inception! Ricky has expanded his operation this year and will be bringing us lots of green veggie goodness as well as some fruits! Welcome Back, ‘Farmer Brown’! We are glad to have you!
Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great veggies and now Tammy and Bill are offering: Strawberries and everyone who saw them last week was envious of those who ordered them! Veggies available include: Asparagus, Baby Spinach, Beets, Broccoli, 2 varieties of Cauliflower, Fennel, Kale, 4 varieties of Lettuces, ‘Crookneck’ Squash, Swiss Chard, Green Tomatoes and Black Skinned Zucchini!
Vicky of Fry Farm is offering this week! Asparagus, Leeks, ‘Cherry Belle’ Radishes, ‘French Breakfast’ Radishes, Hakurei Turnips and ‘Red Kitten’ Spinach! Our very own Sarah Rockey is helping out at Fry Farm this year!
Doug of Doug’s Garden is back with his Garden Boxes! This week it is ‘Spring Vegetables and Herbs! In the history of the Market, Doug’s Veggie Boxes have always been a great hit with Market Members! I expect the same this year. Always a great variety and LOTS of yummy veggies and herbs! Look for them weekly starting this week! Doug is also offering: Green Garlic, Leaf Lettuce Salad Mix, Spicy Salad Mix and Young and Tender Spinach!
Grow With the Flow is the brainchild of brothers Reggie and Roger Ramos. They are located in the city of Tucker and are Certified Naturally Grown! Reggie and Roger have been at the Lilburn Market since last summer and this Spring have expanded their operation to include the Crossfit Market. Please check out their Vegetable offerings.
The Veggie Patch is offering: Fruit Seedlings, Herb Seedlings, Veggie Seedlings, Fresh Herbs, Medicinal Herbs, Sauces, Pickles and lots of fresh Veggies. Be sure and check out all of their items!
Marie of Bakery on Brooks is still on hiatus this week and will return to us next week! I am running low on my Gluten Free Bread and goodies and look forward to her return!
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread provides us with delicious traditional wheat based Organic Baked Goods! From Challah, Sourdough, Ezekiel and other yummy Breads to Sweet Breads, Cookies, Jams and Jellies, Cheese Dips and Pasta Salads, Dabrielle is passionate about quality! Be sure and get your order in before close of Market! Be sure and check out her Specials!
Kathy Barnes is the Coordinator of the Lilburn Market as well as the owner of So-Koi. Kathy is an excellent seamstress and has Retro Aprons, Lanyards, Pillowcases, Checkbook Covers, Tissue Holders on the Market. She is passionate about living naturally and makes every effort to live ‘green’! Although always concerned about the use of plastic in our lives, further research lead Kathy to the decision that she wants to eliminate it as much as possible! To assist in this goal, she has created muslin Veggie Storage Bags and is now offering them at Market! Check them out on the Market and on the Farmers’ Sales Table this week at each Market! For more information about plastic and it’s horrible, destructive and toxic effects in our world and the ecosystem, click the link. This documentary is available on Netflix!
Kathy is also offering Turmeric and Cinnamon on the Market. Both are wonderful spice with medicinal components and qualities. (and the glass jars she offers these products in are just adorable!) Kathy is also offering Coconut Sugar This sweetener is an excellent alternative to some others. Its low glycemic index and full, rich flavor make it my favorite sugar, both for baking and adding a touch of sweetness to my coffee. It is listed under “Seasonings”.
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
The Veggie Patch
Cedar Rock Dairy (Cow)
Little Tots Estate (Goat)
Rocky Acres
Little Tots Estate (Organic, Soy Free, pastured chickens) on Farmers’ Sale Table only
Bakery on Brooks (Gluten Free/Organic)
My Daily Bread (Organic)
Grass Fed Meats
Carrell Farms
Heritage Farm
Cedar Seeder
Natural Products
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Low Low Knows Bones
Handmade Items
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Peacefield Farm
My Daily Bread
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (later by appt only!)
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Azure Standard
Azure Standard Order Deadline: Tuesday, May 19th 6:00pm
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville
…this and that…
I apologize for the lateness of this email. Due to roommate situation, I had to be out of the house this past weekend. I stayed at a small Campground (yes, the Black Lab went too) and had NO CELL coverage and spotty, WIFI!
Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!
Order now since you are just a click way!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville : Reminder to Order and Tidbits!
We have Strawberries!!

Last year, we didn’t have many Strawberries available! This year, we are truly blessed to have those plump, juicy, sweet fruits available from:
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Watsonia Farms
Last year, we didn’t have many Strawberries available! This year, we are truly blessed to have those plump, juicy, sweet fruits available from:
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Watsonia Farms
Organic Strawberries are available in quarts from Burnell Farms and quarts and/or gallons from Back River Farm (Farmers’ Sales Table this week and on Market starting next week) and Watsonia Farms!
What could be better than a taste of Spring in the Fall or Winter? You can easily preserve Strawberries by freezing them or dehydrating.
Freezing your Strawberries? Wash and rinse and set out on paper towels to dry. Once the berries are dry, put on cookie sheet and place it in the freezer. After berries are frozen, place them in a mason jar or plastic bag and return them to the freezer!
Dehydrating? Wash and rinse your Strawberries. Slice large berries in thirds (lengthwise) and small berries in half. You want a similar thickness so they will all be done at the same time. Place on dehydrator trays and follow directions for fruit dehydrating for your particular machine.
Strawberry Candy anyone? Wash and rinse your berries and place on paper towels. Place Coconut Sugar, Honey or your choice of sweetener in bowl. Dip Strawberry slice in sweetener and place on dehydrator trays. follow directions for fruit dehydrating for your particular machine.
My plan is to purchase some every week while they are available and become a ‘Dehydrating Fool’! I will also freeze some to ensure enjoyment of this wonderful fruit during the winter season…which is a perfect segue into..
Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Crossfit / Lawrenceville Market Pickup Hours
You may pick up the items you ordered starting at 2:30pm. Market will end at 5:30pm; however, you may pickup later if you have contacted me and you make payment prior to pickup. We now have other payments options available. Please call me on Monday and I will discuss the other options with you and answer any questions. You can reach me at 404-432-4337.
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Offerings you
definitely want to check out…
Remember I told you about the ‘whoops’ in the Amish Cereal orders last week? All of that is now straightened out; however, we ended up with 1 extra. Although it does contain wheat, it is Organic, so I decided to purchase the extra one. All I can say is WOW! What a treat! I tried it dry as a snack – Win! I tried it as a cereal – Win! I put it as a topping on a salad – Double WIN! Be sure and grab some Amish Cereal while it is on Special! I am hearing very good reviews on the Amish Noodles also, so you may want to include those in your order while they are on Special.
Greg Hutchins of Heritage Farm has outstanding grass-fed Meats! On Special this week: 1/2 Beef and 1/4 Beef Shares! Great opportunity to stock your freezer! Be sure and check it out. Soup Bones are also on Special! Great Bone Broth! If you have questions, please contact Farmer Greg directly at 770-377-5380.
Turkeys and Turkey products that were ordered last week will be delivered this Thursday! Turkey Necks and Ground Turkey are also available.
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread has two Specials for us this week! Hot Pepper Cheese Log and Spelt Tortillas! The Cheese Log has a ‘tad’ of a bite to it, but trust me, it is mild! It is rolled in fresh Georgia Pecans! Yummy! Make some Chips from your Spelt Tortillas and smear some Cheese Log on them! Good snack!
Ricky of Back River Farm is back this week with a Splash of Strawberries! These will be offered only on the Farmers’ Sales Table this week and will appear on the Market Menu next week! Boy are they YUMMY! Ricky’s Certified Naturally Grown, farm, Back River Farm has provided us with Veggies and Berries since Market inception! Ricky has expanded his operation this year and will be bringing us lots of green veggie goodness as well as some fruits! Welcome Back, ‘Farmer Brown’! We are glad to have you!
Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great veggies and now Tammy and Bill are offering: Strawberries and everyone who saw them last week was envious of those who ordered them! Veggies available include: Asparagus, Baby Spinach, Beets, Broccoli, 2 varieties of Cauliflower, Fennel, Kale, 4 varieties of Lettuces, ‘Crookneck’ Squash, Swiss Chard, Green Tomatoes and Black Skinned Zucchini!
Vicky of Fry Farm is offering this week! Asparagus, Leeks, ‘Cherry Belle’ Radishes, ‘French Breakfast’ Radishes, Hakurei Turnips and ‘Red Kitten’ Spinach! Our very own Sarah Rockey is helping out at Fry Farm this year!
Doug of Doug’s Garden is back with his Garden Boxes! This week it is ‘Spring Vegetables and Herbs! In the history of the Market, Doug’s Veggie Boxes have always been a great hit with Market Members! I expect the same this year. Always a great variety and LOTS of yummy veggies and herbs! Look for them weekly starting this week! Doug is also offering: Green Garlic, Leaf Lettuce Salad Mix, Spicy Salad Mix and Young and Tender Spinach!
Grow With the Flow is the brainchild of brothers Reggie and Roger Ramos. They are located in the city of Tucker and are Certified Naturally Grown! Reggie and Roger have been at the Lilburn Market since last summer and this Spring have expanded their operation to include the Crossfit Market. Please check out their Vegetable offerings.
The Veggie Patch is offering: Fruit Seedlings, Herb Seedlings, Veggie Seedlings, Fresh Herbs, Medicinal Herbs, Sauces, Pickles and lots of fresh Veggies. Be sure and check out all of their items!
Marie of Bakery on Brooks is still on hiatus this week and will return to us next week! I am running low on my Gluten Free Bread and goodies and look forward to her return!
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread provides us with delicious traditional wheat based Organic Baked Goods! From Challah, Sourdough, Ezekiel and other yummy Breads to Sweet Breads, Cookies, Jams and Jellies, Cheese Dips and Pasta Salads, Dabrielle is passionate about quality! Be sure and get your order in before close of Market! Be sure and check out her Specials!
Kathy Barnes is the Coordinator of the Lilburn Market as well as the owner of So-Koi. Kathy is an excellent seamstress and has Retro Aprons, Lanyards, Pillowcases, Checkbook Covers, Tissue Holders on the Market. She is passionate about living naturally and makes every effort to live ‘green’! Although always concerned about the use of plastic in our lives, further research lead Kathy to the decision that she wants to eliminate it as much as possible! To assist in this goal, she has created muslin Veggie Storage Bags and is now offering them at Market! Check them out on the Market and on the Farmers’ Sales Table this week at each Market! For more information about plastic and it’s horrible, destructive and toxic effects in our world and the ecosystem, click the link. This documentary is available on Netflix!
Kathy is also offering Turmeric and Cinnamon on the Market. Both are wonderful spice with medicinal components and qualities. (and the glass jars she offers these products in are just adorable!) Kathy is also offering Coconut Sugar This sweetener is an excellent alternative to some others. Its low glycemic index and full, rich flavor make it my favorite sugar, both for baking and adding a touch of sweetness to my coffee. It is listed under “Seasonings”.
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
The Veggie Patch
Cedar Rock Dairy (Cow)
Little Tots Estate (Goat)
Rocky Acres
Little Tots Estate (Organic, Soy Free, pastured chickens) on Farmers’ Sale Table only
Bakery on Brooks (Gluten Free/Organic)
My Daily Bread (Organic)
Grass Fed Meats
Carrell Farms
Heritage Farm
Cedar Seeder
Natural Products
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Low Low Knows Bones
Handmade Items
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Peacefield Farm
My Daily Bread
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (later by appt only!)
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Azure Standard
Azure Standard Order Deadline: Tuesday, May 19th 6:00pm
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville
…this and that…
I apologize for the lateness of this email. Due to roommate situation, I had to be out of the house this past weekend. I stayed at a small Campground (yes, the Black Lab went too) and had NO CELL coverage and spotty, WIFI!
Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!
Order now since you are just a click way!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Joyful Noise Acres Farm: Important notice.
Many of our vendors require a minimum amount ordered to be able to justify delivering to our co-op. Orders have been low for Cedar Rock Dairy over the last month. Unfortunately, if our orders don’t increase we will lose this wonderful vendor. We have not been able to find milk to compare to Cedar Rock.
It takes a lot of work to provide the quality of the products found on our market. The growers and artisans offer us the best products to support the healthy choices we are making. Please consider showing your support for these vendors by ordering their products. Your food dollars matter greatly to these vendors.
When we established this on-line market, it was a way to centralize your food gathering. Bring the farmers to you versus you finding each farmer and running around to source food. Also, we operate on a trust level. We know the farmers practices and they are completely open about how they raise their produce, animals and make their products. You can trust you are getting what you pay for. The same cannot be said for what you buy at the grocery store or even some local produce stores.
Thank you,
Mary Beth
Princeton Farm Fresh: Clarification
The Market will not be open the week of the 22nd. That is the Friday we have graduation starting. Sorry about the confusion. I ran in to write this post from the water line issues.