The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
CLG: Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight at 10pm.
Hello Friends,
There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, May 29th. The market closes TONIGHT around 10pm.
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve –
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Martin's Farmstand: Frost on the strawbeeries
We are starting to pick a few tomatoes and cucumbers. At this point the supply is still very small. We have lots of kale, green onions etc.
We had a hard frost-freeze on Saturday morning. If a strawberry flower gets frost they still keep on blooming for the next week or so with their pretty white petals but the little yellow center turns dark or black. These flowers will never make a berry. At this point it looks to me as if we lost 85- 95% of this years strawberry crop. The damage was about the same on the parts of the field that I attempted to save with irrigation water and the areas that I did nothing. It was just to cold and the sprinklers made a huge amount of ice and the flowers still froze. I do not know if the apple crop is OK or not yet. I think the raspberry crop is unaffected as they bloom later. Most of the rest of the vegetable crops are either OK or can be replanted with only miner delays. It was that cold that I even had some frost damage on the outer rows of tomatoes at the one end of a tightly closed greenhouse. To have this cold, this late, is rare as I have never seen this hard of a freeze this late here.
We went down to Pa over the weekend for my grandmothers funeral. She was born in 1923 and has been a widow since 1968. She left behind over 300 of us grandchildren, great grandchildren, even some great great grandchildren. In some sense it is the end of an era for us. Grandmas house was always there- Daniel
GFM : Time To Order
Hello and Welcome,
Our market is now open once again for your shopping convenience.
Also a reminder that our Physical Wednesday Market will open tomorrow, also at the Fair Grounds. Our hours on Wednesdays is 3 to 6 pm.
Come shop with us now on 2 convenient days of the week.
We look forward to serving you.
Your market vendors
Tullahoma Locally Grown: Tomatoes!
Hi there,
The market is open. Frontier family farms has tomatoes, and KIC Produce has shelling peas. Dogwood valley greenhouse has listed some new plants like phlox and purple coneflower.
Get started here: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market
The market closes noon Wednesday. Pickup is Thursday 4:15-6pm at the first Christian church annex on Grundy St.
Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op: Reminder
Hope all have had a great Memorial Day Holiday.
Be sure to place your Spa City Co-op order before 9 pm Tuesday evening at
Dawson Local Harvest: FLASH! Strawberries and Raspberries!
FLASH! Strawberries and Raspberries are available NOW!
BRAMBERI FARM has just listed their fresh Berries on The Market. You still have plenty of time to put your order in!
Alan Vining
Market Manager
StPete.LocallyGrown.Net: Market NOW Open - May 25th, 2015 - Memorial Day

To Contact Us
St. Pete Locally Grown
on the web
on facebook
on google
via email
see volunteers on pinterest
see local urban growers on pinterest
Ready To Order?
sign in & shop now
FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS You are invited to watch our Market Tutorial before you begin. If you do not receive an email confirmation immediately after you order, then you did not click the SUBMIT ORDER button and we did not receive an order from you. Call your Market Manager for help.
SPLG BENEFIT: Blooming Friendships
One of the best kept secrets of a membership in St. Pete Locally Grown is the camaraderie that grows between attendees of our potluck socials from one month to the next. Equally valuable, volunteering for St. Pete Locally Grown has benefits beyond the importance of serving the St. Petersburg Community. There is lots of seredipitous sharing of resources and knowledge. Entrepreneurs offer an exchange of small business practices. Health advocates connect and collaborate. College interns bring youthful ideas to our processes. Retirees & corporate professionals share expertise to improve our business. Activists bring resourceful approaches to serving our local community. All walks of life comingle for surprising results! All these interactions form bonds at some level that are important to the hearts and minds of those who participate. Just ask anyone involved “what are they getting out of this experience?” From a nice change of pace to personal satisfaction of doing a great job, each person contributes to a phenomenal blessing for all involved. If you are ready to experience new people and grow personally while serving your community, consider taking full advantage of your membership benefits at St. Pete Locally Grown.
IMPORTANT Volunteer Opportunities IMPORTANT
They are ALL important, but right now I am recruiting a volunteer for Thursday afternoon to drive OUR vehicle and pick up raw dairy goods and pastured eggs from The Dancing Goat in Oldsmar every other week around 330pm. On the way back, the driver will drop off the car at Enterprise Truck Rental in Pinellas Park around 445pm—transferring goods from car to delivery van that we will use on Friday. This adventure takes from 2.5 to 3 hours depending on traffic. The importance of filling this volunteer spot is that Nathan is fully retiring by October and will no longer be available to make this trip. Our ability to continue selling raw dairy and eggs from The Dancing Goat could be impacted if we don’t find a replacement by then. Perhaps someone who loves Pam’s raw dairy will decide that they just cannot live without it on our Market?
St. Pete Locally Grown Market in St. Pete is the hub for selling fine products of many of the Growers below needing volunteers—and all those listed on Our Growers page.
Nathan’s Natural Veggies in St. Pete
Pioneer Settlement Garden in St. Pete
The Dancing Goat in Oldsmar
Alexandra Lake Farm in Dade City

Message from Your Market Manager
Have you checked out our current co-op list lately to see how close you are to picking up in your neighborhood for just $4?
Our Market has high standards for what it sells. Despite that—as seasons transition—the challenges of evolving weather and pesky insects can take its toll on the crops. Market Growers are being very selective about what they are willing to present to you. No, it won’t always be picture perfect (which is part of its charm) and sometimes an insect is going to evade capture! But we won’t send you anything that we wouldn’t eat ourselves. If for any reason we have goofed and you are dissatisfied, please report it to me right away so we can rectify the situation. That’s how we get better and we all benefit from that. Your satisfaction is key to our success as a resource for St. Petersburgs’ lovers of chemical-free, organically & locally grown vegetables.
SPLG’s fruit basket
Fuji apples, Medjool dates, cantaloupes, peaches, black plums & papayas. All USA grown, of course. Papayas are local!
Once you have submitted your order, if in doubt about what you owe, you can always confirm what you have been charged for by checking your account history and viewing your most current invoice. Instructions on how to do that are on our Q&A page under the question entitled Since you don’t provide an invoice with delivery, how do I know what I owe? Also, since your vegetables are picked fresh within 24 hours of delivery, they should be lasting for WEEKS in your refrigerator. When you accept delivery, please take a few minutes to inspect your order to protect your vegetables from unnecessary spoilage. Lastly, it is imperative that you understand our policy on Unclaimed Orders found on our Q&A page. When you make a purchase you are agreeing to abide by this policy.
Upcoming Events
All these and more are posted on our Calendar of Events
- “Summer Gardening” Presentation on June 6th, 4PM, FREE Nathan Levy will share experience growing summer vegetables that thrive in heat. Details on this talk at FCC Community Gardens
- “Successful Urban Farming in St. Petersburg” on June 13th, 8-10AM Cost $35/$25. RSVP NOW
- “REAL DIRT: Make Your Own” on June 20th, 8-10AM Cost $35/$25. RSVP NOW
“Monthly Potluck Social”, June 27th, Nathan’s Garden Tour Begins at 5:30PM for active Market customers, growers, and volunteers. BY e-vite ONLY. SPEAKER THIS MONTH: Leon Elt, owner of Alexandra Lake Farm, provider of our Market’s lamb cuts, will be here to talk about raising meat sheep. More details to follow!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Heirloom Living Market Lilburn: Have you placed your order? Market Closes at 8:00pm
Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Orders have been low for Cedar Rock Dairy over the last month. Consistency is key. The cows don’t stop producing milk just because we forgot to order! Sam Jones and his helpers work very hard and travel several hours in order for us to enjoy the healthy and wonderful milk produced by his tested A2 cows. These girls enjoy grazing on 1200 of organic pastures and producing milk!
Unfortunately, if our orders don’t increase we stand to lose this great Farmer and the healthy goodness he provides. The quality and taste of the milk produced by Sam’s cows is undeniable!
It takes a lot of work to provide the quality of the products found on our market. The growers and artisans offer us the best products to support the healthy choices we are making. Please consider showing your support for these Farmers and Artisans by ordering their products. Your food dollars matter greatly to these dedicated folks.
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Offerings you
definitely want to check out…
Marie of Bakery on Brooks has frozen Cinnamon Rolls on Special this week! These are so flavorful and easy to make. Take 1 (or 2) our of freezer, let rise on pan and pop in the Toaster Oven for 15 min! Wow! Almond Shortbread Sandies are also on Special this week! These melt-in-your-mouth-tasty-morsels are sure to please! (I am addicted!) Please note: Marie will NOT be at Market next week! Be sure and stock up this week and freeze!
Greg Hutchins of Heritage Farm has outstanding grass-fed Meats! On Special this week: 1/2 Beef and 1/4 Beef Shares! Great opportunity to stock your freezer! Be sure and check it out. Smoked Turkey: Wings, Thighs and Legs are also on Special this week! Ok, I am in to try the Turkey Legs! I can pretend that I am at the Medieval Festival! Greg says the Smoked Turkey is wonderful! Becuase I totally trust his judgment, I am giving them a try! What about you? I am also ordering more Turkey Backs! I have purchased 2 packs and made incredible Bone Broth with both! An added bonus…there is lots of meat on these Turkey Backs and I made some fabulous Turkey Salad! Don’t miss these! They won’t be available again for quite a while!
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread provides us with delicious traditional wheat based Organic Baked Goods! From Challah, Sourdough, Ezekiel and other yummy Breads to Sweet Breads, Cookies, Jams and Jellies, Cheese Dips and Pasta Salads, Dabrielle is passionate about quality! Be sure and get your order in before close of Market!
Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great veggies! See the great variety in her offerings.
Vicky of Fry Farm has: Baby Fennel, Napa Cabbage, Rainbow Carrots, Leeks, Romaine Lettuce, Radishes and Turnips! Our very own Sarah Rockey is helping out at Fry Farm this year!
Doug of Doug’s Garden is back with his Garden Boxes! This week it is ‘Spring Vegetables and Herbs! In the history of the Market, Doug’s Veggie Boxes have always been a great hit with Market Members! I expect the same this year. Always a great variety and LOTS of yummy veggies and herbs! Look for them weekly. Doug is also offering: Whole Garlic, Leaf Lettuce Salad Mix, Spicy Salad Mix and Buttercrunch Lettuce!
Grow With the Flow owned Reggie and Roger Ramos have been at the Lilburn Market since last summer and this Spring have expanded their operation to include the Crossfit Market. Hopefully they will be expanding to the Hamilton Mill Market soon! Please check out their Vegetable offerings.
Did you know that Carrell Farms will not be at any of the Traditional Farmer Markets this year? You can find their Water Buffalo and Alpaca products here! Shalley’s line of Natural/Good For You Soaps, Lotions, Lip Balms and more can also be found in their offerings!
The Veggie Patch is offering: Fruit Seedlings, Herb Seedlings, Veggie Seedlings, Fresh Herbs, Medicinal Herbs, Sauces, Pickles and lots of fresh Veggies. Be sure and check out all of their items!
Kathy Barnes of So-Koi, our resident Seamtress, Lilburn Market Coordinator and provider of some pantry items has added “Kool-Aids” to her offerings! These are neck scarves that you soak in cool water and place around your neck – there are special little beady-thingies that plump up and help keep you cool! Fabulous! And they work — just ask Sarah or Maryanne who were lucky enough to get the first ones! (We are the Guinea Pigs!)
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
The Veggie Patch
Cedar Rock Dairy (Cow)
Little Tots Estate (Goat)
Rocky Acres
Little Tots Estate (Organic, Soy Free, pastured chickens) on Farmers’ Sale Table only
Bakery on Brooks (Gluten Free/Organic)
My Daily Bread (Organic)
Grass Fed Meats
Carrell Farms
Heritage Farm
Cedar Seeder
Natural Products
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Low Low Knows Bones
Handmade Items
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Peacefield Farm
My Daily Bread
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!
Order now since you are just a click way!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill: Have you ordered? Market closes at 8:00pm!
Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Orders have been low for Cedar Rock Dairy over the last month. Consistency is key. The cows don’t stop producing milk just because we forgot to order! Sam Jones and his helpers work very hard and travel several hours in order for us to enjoy the healthy and wonderful milk produced by his tested A2 cows. These girls enjoy grazing on 1200 of organic pastures and producing milk!
Unfortunately, if our orders don’t increase we stand to lose this great Farmer and the healthy goodness he provides. The quality and taste of the milk produced by Sam’s cows is undeniable!
It takes a lot of work to provide the quality of the products found on our market. The growers and artisans offer us the best products to support the healthy choices we are making. Please consider showing your support for these Farmers and Artisans by ordering their products. Your food dollars matter greatly to these dedicated folks.
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Offerings you
definitely want to check out…
Marie of Bakery on Brooks has frozen Cinnamon Rolls on Special this week! These are so flavorful and easy to make. Take 1 (or 2) our of freezer, let rise on pan and pop in the Toaster Oven for 15 min! Wow! Almond Shortbread Sandies are also on Special this week! These melt-in-your-mouth-tasty-morsels are sure to please! (I am addicted!) Please note: Marie will NOT be at Market next week! Be sure and stock up this week and freeze!
Greg Hutchins of Heritage Farm has outstanding grass-fed Meats! On Special this week: 1/2 Beef and 1/4 Beef Shares! Great opportunity to stock your freezer! Be sure and check it out. Smoked Turkey: Wings, Thighs and Legs are also on Special this week! Ok, I am in to try the Turkey Legs! I can pretend that I am at the Medieval Festival! Greg says the Smoked Turkey is wonderful! Becuase I totally trust his judgment, I am giving them a try! What about you? I am also ordering more Turkey Backs! I have purchased 2 packs and made incredible Bone Broth with both! An added bonus…there is lots of meat on these Turkey Backs and I made some fabulous Turkey Salad! Don’t miss these! They won’t be available again for quite a while!
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread provides us with delicious traditional wheat based Organic Baked Goods! From Challah, Sourdough, Ezekiel and other yummy Breads to Sweet Breads, Cookies, Jams and Jellies, Cheese Dips and Pasta Salads, Dabrielle is passionate about quality! Be sure and get your order in before close of Market!
Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great veggies! See the great variety in her offerings.
Vicky of Fry Farm has: Baby Fennel, Napa Cabbage, Rainbow Carrots, Leeks, Romaine Lettuce, Radishes and Turnips! Our very own Sarah Rockey is helping out at Fry Farm this year!
Doug of Doug’s Garden is back with his Garden Boxes! This week it is ‘Spring Vegetables and Herbs! In the history of the Market, Doug’s Veggie Boxes have always been a great hit with Market Members! I expect the same this year. Always a great variety and LOTS of yummy veggies and herbs! Look for them weekly. Doug is also offering: Whole Garlic, Leaf Lettuce Salad Mix, Spicy Salad Mix and Buttercrunch Lettuce!
Grow With the Flow owned Reggie and Roger Ramos have been at the Lilburn Market since last summer and this Spring have expanded their operation to include the Crossfit Market. Hopefully they will be expanding to the Hamilton Mill Market soon! Please check out their Vegetable offerings.
Did you know that Carrell Farms will not be at any of the Traditional Farmer Markets this year? You can find their Water Buffalo and Alpaca products here! Shalley’s line of Natural/Good For You Soaps, Lotions, Lip Balms and more can also be found in their offerings!
The Veggie Patch is offering: Fruit Seedlings, Herb Seedlings, Veggie Seedlings, Fresh Herbs, Medicinal Herbs, Sauces, Pickles and lots of fresh Veggies. Be sure and check out all of their items!
Kathy Barnes of So-Koi, our resident Seamtress, Lilburn Market Coordinator and provider of some pantry items has added “Kool-Aids” to her offerings! These are neck scarves that you soak in cool water and place around your neck – there are special little beady-thingies that plump up and help keep you cool! Fabulous! And they work — just ask Sarah or Maryanne who were lucky enough to get the first ones! (We are the Guinea Pigs!)
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
The Veggie Patch
Cedar Rock Dairy (Cow)
Little Tots Estate (Goat)
Rocky Acres
Little Tots Estate (Organic, Soy Free, pastured chickens) on Farmers’ Sale Table only
Bakery on Brooks (Gluten Free/Organic)
My Daily Bread (Organic)
Grass Fed Meats
Carrell Farms
Heritage Farm
Cedar Seeder
Natural Products
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Low Low Knows Bones
Handmade Items
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Peacefield Farm
My Daily Bread
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (later by appt only!)
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!
Order now since you are just a click way!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville : Have you ordered? Please read!
Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Crossfit / Lawrenceville Market Pickup Hours
You may pick up the items you ordered starting at 2:30pm. Market will end at 5:30pm; however, you may pickup later if you have contacted me and you make payment prior to pickup. We now have other payments options available. Please call me on Monday and I will discuss the other options with you and answer any questions. You can reach me at 404-432-4337.
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Orders have been low for Cedar Rock Dairy over the last month. Consistency is key. The cows don’t stop producing milk just because we forgot to order! Sam Jones and his helpers work very hard and travel several hours in order for us to enjoy the healthy and wonderful milk produced by his tested A2 cows. These girls enjoy grazing on 1200 of organic pastures and producing milk!
Unfortunately, if our orders don’t increase we stand to lose this great Farmer and the healthy goodness he provides. The quality and taste of the milk produced by Sam’s cows is undeniable!
It takes a lot of work to provide the quality of the products found on our market. The growers and artisans offer us the best products to support the healthy choices we are making. Please consider showing your support for these Farmers and Artisans by ordering their products. Your food dollars matter greatly to these dedicated folks.
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Offerings you
definitely want to check out…
Marie of Bakery on Brooks has frozen Cinnamon Rolls on Special this week! These are so flavorful and easy to make. Take 1 (or 2) our of freezer, let rise on pan and pop in the Toaster Oven for 15 min! Wow! Almond Shortbread Sandies are also on Special this week! These melt-in-your-mouth-tasty-morsels are sure to please! (I am addicted!) Please note: Marie will NOT be at Market next week! Be sure and stock up this week and freeze!
Greg Hutchins of Heritage Farm has outstanding grass-fed Meats! On Special this week: 1/2 Beef and 1/4 Beef Shares! Great opportunity to stock your freezer! Be sure and check it out. Smoked Turkey: Wings, Thighs and Legs are also on Special this week! Ok, I am in to try the Turkey Legs! I can pretend that I am at the Medieval Festival! Greg says the Smoked Turkey is wonderful! Becuase I totally trust his judgment, I am giving them a try! What about you? I am also ordering more Turkey Backs! I have purchased 2 packs and made incredible Bone Broth with both! An added bonus…there is lots of meat on these Turkey Backs and I made some fabulous Turkey Salad! Don’t miss these! They won’t be available again for quite a while!
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread provides us with delicious traditional wheat based Organic Baked Goods! From Challah, Sourdough, Ezekiel and other yummy Breads to Sweet Breads, Cookies, Jams and Jellies, Cheese Dips and Pasta Salads, Dabrielle is passionate about quality! Be sure and get your order in before close of Market!
Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great veggies! See the great variety in her offerings.
Vicky of Fry Farm has: Baby Fennel, Napa Cabbage, Rainbow Carrots, Leeks, Romaine Lettuce, Radishes and Turnips! Our very own Sarah Rockey is helping out at Fry Farm this year!
Doug of Doug’s Garden is back with his Garden Boxes! This week it is ‘Spring Vegetables and Herbs! In the history of the Market, Doug’s Veggie Boxes have always been a great hit with Market Members! I expect the same this year. Always a great variety and LOTS of yummy veggies and herbs! Look for them weekly. Doug is also offering: Whole Garlic, Leaf Lettuce Salad Mix, Spicy Salad Mix and Buttercrunch Lettuce!
Grow With the Flow owned Reggie and Roger Ramos have been at the Lilburn Market since last summer and this Spring have expanded their operation to include the Crossfit Market. Hopefully they will be expanding to the Hamilton Mill Market soon! Please check out their Vegetable offerings.
Did you know that Carrell Farms will not be at any of the Traditional Farmer Markets this year? You can find their Water Buffalo and Alpaca products here! Shalley’s line of Natural/Good For You Soaps, Lotions, Lip Balms and more can also be found in their offerings!
The Veggie Patch is offering: Fruit Seedlings, Herb Seedlings, Veggie Seedlings, Fresh Herbs, Medicinal Herbs, Sauces, Pickles and lots of fresh Veggies. Be sure and check out all of their items!
Kathy Barnes of So-Koi, our resident Seamtress, Lilburn Market Coordinator and provider of some pantry items has added “Kool-Aids” to her offerings! These are neck scarves that you soak in cool water and place around your neck – there are special little beady-thingies that plump up and help keep you cool! Fabulous! And they work — just ask Sarah or Maryanne who were lucky enough to get the first ones! (We are the Guinea Pigs!)
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
The Veggie Patch
Cedar Rock Dairy (Cow)
Little Tots Estate (Goat)
Rocky Acres
Little Tots Estate (Organic, Soy Free, pastured chickens) on Farmers’ Sale Table only
Bakery on Brooks (Gluten Free/Organic)
My Daily Bread (Organic)
Grass Fed Meats
Carrell Farms
Heritage Farm
Cedar Seeder
Natural Products
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Low Low Knows Bones
Handmade Items
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Peacefield Farm
My Daily Bread
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (later by appt only!)
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!
Order now since you are just a click way!